In life, we face many challenges and changes everyday. CHANGE is something that is constant and alive which will never go away from us. Ironically, many people seems to be avoiding change, be it the change of working environment, change of company policies, change of adopting new beliefs, change of business activities and so on and so forth; many people view change as a threat instead of an opportunity.
I remember there was a wise saying - In every change, opportunity lies.
Change is needed for development, when there's no change, there's no growth. We need to embrace change so we can keep "alive" to what we are doing and grow from there. Although sometimes change is not necessory, but most of the time a change is needed to move forward. For example, a change in a country's leadership will change the future of the country, a change of CEO who implements new strategies will determine the survival of the company in this tough economic downturn period. Likewise, a change in ourselves, particularly the way we think and act will affect our achievements in life. I have an article newsletter from T.Harv Eker about change which i would like to share. Below is the article from Harv Eker:
"Sometimes we love change and sometimes we hate it. Regardless, it always takes a little bit of courage to leave something familiar and try something new. Why is change difficult for most of us? Because change necessitates that we move out of our comfort zones.
Since the ego, or protective mind's job is survival, it will always prefer safety and security over the untested and unproven. It likes to keep things the same. It has us believe "the devil I know, is better than the devil I don't know." In short, "if I stay with what I know and what is familiar, I won't get hurt." This belief system is simply not true and goes directly against the laws of nature.
Most people are not totally happy and successful, yet they continue to do the same things over and over hoping someday things will be different. Realize if what you've been looking for was where you've been looking, chances are you'd have already found it! Doing more of the same even harder and longer is not usually the answer. Being willing to change will usually create better results.
Since your inner world creates your outer world, one of the first steps in change, is changing your thoughts. By examining the way you talk to yourself and your beliefs around success, money and prosperity, you are in a position to consciously change any thoughts that are based in lack, fear and limitation. Because what you focus on expands, by intentionally thinking of prosperity, abundance and success you will attract those very things.
Change is natural. The universe is in constant motion, from the changing of the seasons; to the way plants, trees and flowers grow; from the rushing of the rivers, to the wind that blows. Life is always moving, always changing. In fact, the only constant in the world, the only thing you can absolutely count on, is change itself.
Therefore, utilize every change as a gift. Whenever change occurs, ask yourself "how can I use this change to my benefit?" If you lose your job, know that a new and better opportunity awaits you. If you lose a relationship, know that a new and better relationship awaits you.
The happiest and most successful people all share a critical characteristic – the trait of adaptability. Which means they have the ability to quickly adapt to new situations and circumstances. The idea then is to go with the flow and not only accept change, but embrace it as an opportunity to expand yourself and your life.
T Harv Eker "
Change is Good, Let's Change, Shall we?
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