Dear Valued Members,
In conjunction with 2009 New Year Celebration, our office will be closed as follows:
New Year Closure: 1st January 2009
Business Resume : 2nd January 2009
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you for all the supports given to our business.
New Year is synonymous with fresh start, bright dreams and new aspirations. Every year on the New Years Eve, the whole world comes together, to kick start glittering celebrations and shout out loud 'Happy New Year'!!
The Management of STG Resources Sdn Bhd
- HaPpY NeW YeAr !!
- Change is Good
- Why u should not stay in office after 6pm?
- Christmas & Awal Muharram
- Business Presentation
- Bukit Tinggi STG outlet - Coming Soon!
- Bukit Bintang STG Outlet - Coming Soon!
- Correction on Midvalley Grand Opening Day
- STG Membership Programme
- STG food photos
- Midvalley outlets opening soon!
- Hari Raya Haji
- New Member Application Documents
- Ampang AU2 Jusco STG Opens Today!
- I KNOW That!
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In life, we face many challenges and changes everyday. CHANGE is something that is constant and alive which will never go away from us. Ironically, many people seems to be avoiding change, be it the change of working environment, change of company policies, change of adopting new beliefs, change of business activities and so on and so forth; many people view change as a threat instead of an opportunity.
I remember there was a wise saying - In every change, opportunity lies.
Change is needed for development, when there's no change, there's no growth. We need to embrace change so we can keep "alive" to what we are doing and grow from there. Although sometimes change is not necessory, but most of the time a change is needed to move forward. For example, a change in a country's leadership will change the future of the country, a change of CEO who implements new strategies will determine the survival of the company in this tough economic downturn period. Likewise, a change in ourselves, particularly the way we think and act will affect our achievements in life. I have an article newsletter from T.Harv Eker about change which i would like to share. Below is the article from Harv Eker:
"Sometimes we love change and sometimes we hate it. Regardless, it always takes a little bit of courage to leave something familiar and try something new. Why is change difficult for most of us? Because change necessitates that we move out of our comfort zones.
Since the ego, or protective mind's job is survival, it will always prefer safety and security over the untested and unproven. It likes to keep things the same. It has us believe "the devil I know, is better than the devil I don't know." In short, "if I stay with what I know and what is familiar, I won't get hurt." This belief system is simply not true and goes directly against the laws of nature.
Most people are not totally happy and successful, yet they continue to do the same things over and over hoping someday things will be different. Realize if what you've been looking for was where you've been looking, chances are you'd have already found it! Doing more of the same even harder and longer is not usually the answer. Being willing to change will usually create better results.
Since your inner world creates your outer world, one of the first steps in change, is changing your thoughts. By examining the way you talk to yourself and your beliefs around success, money and prosperity, you are in a position to consciously change any thoughts that are based in lack, fear and limitation. Because what you focus on expands, by intentionally thinking of prosperity, abundance and success you will attract those very things.
Change is natural. The universe is in constant motion, from the changing of the seasons; to the way plants, trees and flowers grow; from the rushing of the rivers, to the wind that blows. Life is always moving, always changing. In fact, the only constant in the world, the only thing you can absolutely count on, is change itself.
Therefore, utilize every change as a gift. Whenever change occurs, ask yourself "how can I use this change to my benefit?" If you lose your job, know that a new and better opportunity awaits you. If you lose a relationship, know that a new and better relationship awaits you.
The happiest and most successful people all share a critical characteristic – the trait of adaptability. Which means they have the ability to quickly adapt to new situations and circumstances. The idea then is to go with the flow and not only accept change, but embrace it as an opportunity to expand yourself and your life.
T Harv Eker "
Change is Good, Let's Change, Shall we?
Dear Valued Members,
In conjunction with the Awal Muharram & Christmas Celebration, STG office will be closed as follows:
Christmas Closure: 25th December 2008
Business Resume : 26th December 2008
Note: Office will resume on 26th December 2008.
Awal Muharram Closure: 29th December 2008
Business Resume : 30th December 2008
Note: Office will resume on 30th December 2008. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
The Management of STG Resources Sdn Bhd
Dear Valued members,
Please be informed the Business Presentation on 24th December 2008 (Wednesday) will be cancel and the following Business Presentation will be remain as usual.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused!
Thank you
The Management of STG Resources Sdn Bhd
Hi guys, here are some photos of the Bukit Tinggi Jusco STG outlet. The address is:
AEON Bukit Tinggi Shopping Centre
No.1, Persiaran Batu Nilam 1/KS6,
Bandar Bukit Tinggi 2,
41200 Klang,
This AEON Shopping Complex is the biggest Jusco Store in South East Asia, so being one of the tenant here would definitely a good choice!
Finally, Bukit Bintang STG Outlet will become a reality!
This outlet is going to be the flagship and the biggest STG outlet covering approximately 7,000sf of area. This outlet is located at the crossroad of famous Jalan Alor and Jalan Bukit Bintang, STG will occupy the 1st floor as well as the rooftoop for STGers. It will be the only restaurent along Jalan Bukit Bintang that has open air/rooftop under the stars + there will be a 6ft high statue of Mr. Sinnappan being the mascot of Steven's Teagarden Cafe at the entrance too, ain't it cool?
This outlet is scheduled to be completed after Chinese New Year 2009, by end of February. The opening of this flagship outlet will definitely gives a big boost to the advertisement effect through word-of-mouth as being located at the busiest street location in KL town. Having located in the golden-triangle area in Bukit Bintang, Steven's Teagarden is bound to be exposed to the millions of tourists that come for holiday on an annual basis. This will one of the 1st step Steven's Teagarden preparing itself for international market. The address is :
Bukit Bintang
No.82 & 84,
Jalan Bukit Bintang,
52100 Kuala Lumpur
As you can see, a banner of Steven's Teagarden being put up at the double story Shoplot.
Below here are some of the artist impression of how the outlet will look like when it's completed.
Let's look forward for "D-Day" together!
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Sorry to inform that there's a typo mistake in my post on Midvalley Outlet. The official grand opening date will be on 11th January 2009 instead of 11th November 2009. Kindly take note of this and sorry for the error.
A lot of people like to view the STG membership plan as an investment plan, i beg to differ because STG Resources SDN BHD is not a registered financial institution which can offer any financial investment product. STG resourses merely offers a customer loyalty card to their customer who patronizes Steven's Teagarden outlets and getting paid in cash as a passive income in return(as customer rewards). This reward programme is very similar to what other companies are having for their customer e.g. Jusco member card, Cosway redemption programme, Bonus link and etc. The only major different of these reward programme with STG plan is STG rewards its members with cash (as advertisment fees) over time as the business grows.
This concept of advertisement fees payment to customers is uniquely new and may sound too good to be true for us as consumers. Instead of paying to the big advertiser like astro, or using Tv-commercials or radio to advertise; STG choses this member royalty programme as part of their marketing campaign ( i'm no saying they won't use the traditional way of advertisement but this is what they are trying to do currently). Nevertheless, everything has it's begining and let us be optimistic and positive about this project. I've shared earlier in my post at about the prepaid cards, do visit this post for more informations.
After you've purchased the vouchers/prepaid, certainly you'll take your time to have meal at STG outlet once in while. generally, people won't eat alone and would invite friends or family to eat together at STG. By doing so, it's actually a form of indirect advertisement for the company already.
Advertisement is not just about you going out and actively telling people around about certain product or services, it's about creating the awareness of a brand in the people's mind. it's all about branding!
Let's do some basic calculations on how's the effect of word-of-mouth advertisment effect. An active STG member shares to about 100 of his friends regarding STG Loyalty programme : 1 x 100 = 100 ppl will learn about STG. When there are 2000 active members promoting STG, you would have 2000 x 100 = 200,000 people knows about STG. If these 200,000 go and dine at Stevens's Tegarden and bring 5 friends each, you would have 1 million people learns about Steven's TeaGarden. Slowly and inadvertedly with the power of compounding, the advertisement effect would be mammoth!
With this, STG will get more visibility/publicity and in return pay some advertising fees ( as agreed ) to the member. So, think about the benefits and evaluate this membership programmes that's being offered to you. Let's become become a STG member today!
For those of you who have not been to STG oulet, here are some of the food photos for you.....yummy yummy
Nasi lemak, a standard menu in almost all Malaysian food themed restaurent. The sambal is really good!
One of the popular dish by STeven's Corner - Burung Puyuh Goreng is also available here.
This Laksa is not the common asam laksa aka Penang asam laksa, but it is a type of Kampung Style laksa which is not so sour or spicy. Try it, and you'll know what i mean.
This fried kueh teow with fried squids is one of my favourite :-P
Roti canai satu!
I like their mee goreng too, mau makan?
Midvalley STG outlet will be opening soon! The tentative scheduled opening date will be on the 30th Dec 2008. However, Grand Official opening ceremony will only be held on the 11th of January 2009. As what i get to know from the Marketing Director, Steven Kok, all members will be receiving an official invitation to the grand opening.
With this outlet, STG will have a total of 3 outlets soon. As of this year, we can expect another 5 outlets to be set up. Below are some photos for your viewing:
Dear Valued Members,
In conjunction with the Hari Raya Haji Celebration, our office will be closed as follows:
Hari Raya Haji Closure :08th November 2008
Business Resume :09th November 2008
For your information, we will be working on 09th November 2008. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Thank you for all the support given to our business.
The Management of STG Resources Sdn Bhd
Dear member:
Please be informed that all members who want to submit application form together with necessary documents below;
1)Complete Application Form
2)Sub Plan Application Form
3)Photocopy IC
Thank you for your kind attention.
The Management
STG Resources Sdn Bhd
Finally, after the birth of the 1st STG outlet in Sunway Pyramid. We now can welcome and celebrate the new member to the family, the Ampang AU2 STG outlet is officially opened today!
I still remeber when people raised their doubts and concerns when there were no STG outlets, most of them are not willing to participate in the membership programme due to lack of confidence to the company. As evidences show, STG resources is progressing well so far with the second outlet opened today in Ampang, this is truly a thing to celebrate as STG have passed thru the 1st big hurdle - From 1 outlet to more outlets.
With the opening of new outlets ( and more to come), it signifies more and more convenience for the members to spend the food points as well as conducting business presentations. In the mean time, let's look forward together for the opening of the Mid Valley outlet end of the month.
Below is the official announcement from the company:
AU2 Outlet Opening
We would like to announce that Steven’s Tea Garden 2nd Outlet in Ampng AU2 will be open for business on 5th December 2008 (Friday) 11am and our business hour was 11am to 10.30pm daily.
Thank you for your support.
The Management
STG Resources Sdn Bhd
2nd December 2008
I'll try to go visit AU2 outlet as soon as possible and will post some photo shots when i come back. So, stay tuned for my next post!
Isn't it these three words are words that we commonly hear in our daily lives? It sounds ok to me, so what's the problem by saying "I know that"?
According to T Harv Eker, the famous multi-multi millionaire, "I know that." is the three most dangerous words in the English language. Why does he say so? It's very important for us to stop and think for a while before we say : "I know that",this is purely because how our brains works. The moment we say "I know that", our mind is literally being shut down to receive new informations that we are going to listen/discuss/or talk about; and because of this, we will lose the opportunity to digest and evaluate the new informations which may in turn beneficial to us.
So how do you know if you know something? How do you check if you really know something? Simple, If you live it, you know it. Otherwise, you heard about it, you read about it, or you talk about it, but you don't know it.
When T Harv Eker was broke,he was fortunate to get some advice from a multi-millionaire friend of his father's. He said to him: "Harv, if you're not as successful as you'd like to be, there's something you don't know." Fortunately, Harv took his suggestion to heart and went from being a "know-it-all" to a "learn-it-all". From that moment on, everything changed!
So, next time before you stop anyone from sharing something new to you, practice not to say "I know That" as you could be blocking yourself to greater heights in life.
Rich people constantly learn and grow.
Poor people think they already know.
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