Everytime we encounter new things in our life, I guess the most common thing that happens is the FEAR kick in. The FEAR of losing money, the FEAR of getting Conned, the FEAR of Failure, the FEAR of Rejection, the FEAR of Losing, This feeling of FEAR is the common feelings that we have in our daily lives.
F.E.A.R is also synonym to False Evidence Appearing Real, according to Answers.com, FEAR is A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. In other words, FEAR is actually the anticipation of pain, be it in pain physically or emotionally.
FEAR is actually a good protective emotional response to various external stimulus which the main objective is to to prevent us from getting hurt ( physically or emotionally). So, being fearful is alright at times but not all the time. Imagine we are being so fearful going into a business venture, or even fearful to take up a job promotion and taking higher responsibilities. In these context, FEAR is actually working against us if we do not identify it and recognize the hidden benefits/rewards that's waiting for us if we take a step further by overcoming the FEAR itself in the 1st place.
In my experience, it's absolutely normal to have doubts and reservation when dealing with something new or we are unfamiliar of. However, the more important thing is we take a little step further and look beyond the current horizon - don't make any conclusion based on a few comments from friends or family members and give comment without getting proper information. Make some effort to Consult or talk to the person that is already involved in the business, talk to the CEO, Director or even the owner about their business plan so that you get a clear, presice and correct anwers to your questions. Let's imagine; If you want to be filthy rich and successful, who would you consult or ask for advise? Of course the most sensible answer would be asking or consulting people whom are already sucessful ! So that by knowing how they made it, there's a higher chance that you'll become successful as well ! !
Please don't get me wrong here, i'm not saying there's no risk at all. There's always risk in everything we do, the bottom line is whether we are comfortable with the risk we are taking and have a proper understanding of the Risk/Reward that we are willing to take.
In my humble opinion, regarding this membership programmes of STG - do take initiative to ask the people in the business and so that you can make an informed decision. It's not fair to judge a book by its cover and it's definitely not fair to call STG a scammer in this early stage. The way i look at it, it's just Steven's Corner wanting to expand their traditional mamak stall into a bigger scale i.e. chain restaurent( i don't how big the plan is but i read from the article that they plan to go for KLSE listing and expands oversea as well). And instead of choosing the traditional marketing campaign through expensive advertising media like Astro, Radio, TV and newspaper; they choose to the most powerful marketing strategy on earth i.e. word-of-mouth as their key marketing tactic that involves the customers(members). In this case, the customers get paid for doing the advertising for them instead of STG paying thousands of dollars to the big advertisers.
Most of us have heard or been a customer of Steven's Corner, and they have been in the mamak business for 31 years, just think about the likelihood of them to become a scammer and trying to con us. I would say there is a possibility but chances are very low....? ?
Wealth cannot dwell in a fearful mind.
Let's become the master of FEAR, shall we?
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- STG Membership Card
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- Business Concept Presentation Schedule
- STG Business Hour in Sunway Pyramid
- Master of FEAR
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- More about Steven's TeaGarden
- More photos of the 1st Outlet
- 1st Steven's Teagarden opened on 8th August 2008 i...
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